No lesson today, but I did ride a little in SPIRIT's first holiday party. It was pretty fun.
I rode last with one little girl, who Dada hopes will soon be riding dressage. Not that it is a competition, but she'll be better than me no doubt.
The best part was that I rode totally alone for part of the ride. Dada led me into the ring and then away I went while she stayed at one end of the ring. I think I did two or three rotations around the ring before Dada started walking with me again.
That time with just T was precious. It was just us, and she kept moving, and I remembered to keep squeezing my legs. I will ask Dada if we can do that more often when I ride next.
I also tried to smile, not that I really have to worry about looking cute because I am adorable. But I watched a local ice skating program last week and the one I liked best was the performer who looked like she was having the most fun.
The other cool thing about the ride today was that the little girl and I rode up the center line next to each other and then turned opposite directions at the wall. Best of all, it worked and we looked like we knew what we were doing!
Happy holidays!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Tidings of comfort and dressage
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4:21 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Not relaxing, but still good
Yesterday's ride was a new experience, not bad. It was fun, just definitely new.
First, I was without Kate, my friend and the woman who has been helping Dada with me almost since the start. In a recent scholarship application, I called her my assistant trainer. It's not like I haven't ridden without her before, but this time I know she won't be back next week. Kate is taking a deserved break from SPIRIT. I can't wait till she comes back.
Whitney, another instructor, helped us mount and was with me for most of the ride. She and Dada traded riders because two people were having lessons. For a long time, Whitney was just a name to me, someone I liked and talked to a little by email because she and her husband had provided plane tickets to get me to my first real competition out in Colorado. It has been a pleasure getting to know her better, and we had a nice ride yesterday.
I was going to write "nice, relaxing ride," but it wasn't too relaxing. After I got on T, we realized that the neck strap that I hold had not been put on and it was too late to add. We finally took the reins extender I use and attached that to clips on the saddle for me to hold. That worked, but then we had no reins extender for the reins. I had to use regular reins and let me tell you, tough, tough, tough.
One side of the reins was usually longer than the other, so T was confused about turning, but she did her best, which was quite good. She was even better when one of the volunteers started walking in front of her, not leading her with a rope but just giving her a path to follow. I was pretty unstable, but Whitney kept her hand on me so I felt safer. I think I made Whitney and T nervous.
Whitney and I talked a lot as I rode. It really helped figure things out, like why I don't always use my legs to motivate the horse. Part of it is I hold on with my legs, but part of it is T moves so well usually, I just forget till T stops. By then, it is too late. I did look up sort of, because I was trying to watch the rein-length and that is kind of forward.
It was nice, and it's always fun to be on a horse. I am even a little sore, not very. But even a little is a rarity. I always wonder if I need to really push my limits because I am not usually sore. But then I remember my 2-plus year streak of not falling. I have no desire to tumble off T because I am tired.
Posted by
10:18 AM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, November 24, 2007
My manhood survives trotting intact, slightly squished
Today was a good ride, even if we could not find the reins extensions that enable me hold the reins easier.
What Dada did was string the one extension across T's neck between the two reins. It was perpendicular to the reins, and I held just that. It worked quite well, except when I turned could not pull the reins toward me. I had to pull them down.
Kate was with us today after missing last week. She reminded me to look forward so I did a little. I think that helped a lot with the circles I rode. I have a tendency to cut them short, not sure why, but the last ones we rode were good.
Dada reminded me to use my legs, which I did remember a lot but forgot when I was making circles.
We also did a fair bit of trotting, more than usual anyway. It felt pretty good and I did sit straight throughout it. I don't post so the bouncing up and down on the saddle was a little, well, uncomfortable.
I even did a tiny bit of unsupported trotting. Dada wanted me to be able to stop a trotting T, so she got her to trot and had me stop her after a few steps. I did it fine, but I was so tempted to let the "few steps" last longer and longer. Manhood be damned; trotting i fun.
Posted by
5:19 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Straight as an arrow
Go ahead, look at that picture and tell me I don't look good. I dare you.
It was my first cold weather ride, which for me means it was below 55. i wore long johns under my riding pants and my jacket and scarf, and I was quite comfortable. The scarf adds to my dashing look, too.
At the start, Dada pointed out I am not sitting as straight as I had been. I had been leaning forward a bit much. I thought she had told me to lean forward -- I actually feel more comfortable sitting straight.
T seemed to like it, too. She was walking really great. After we were warmed up, we rode through a series of cones. That went really well. She was keeping a rhythm and we were turning this way and that. It was great.
I remembered to look up sometimes -- it is easier to look ahead when I am riding a test because I know what is ahead. In practices, I have to pay attention to Dada and Kate (although she wasn't there today) and other stuff. Competitions are almost easier than practices.
I did remember to keep squeezing and releasing my fingers on the reins so T remembers I am in charge. I don't know if it worked , but she was good with the turns.
I have to work on my walking rhythm. Dada said I don't have to squeeze hard into T's sides to encourage her to walk, but I do need to squeeze in a rhythm. My legs aren't used to that.
But it was a great lesson.
Posted by
9:12 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, November 03, 2007
This is competition, not therapy
Thankfully, those words came toward the end of the lesson, not the beginning; otherwise I'd have been scared.
It was a beautiful day to ride, and T was quite energetic. Dada said that winter is a great time to practice rhythm and not worry about the movements. That's OK by me, it was so nice to ride up there on T and move my legs in unison with her's.
We did a few small circles, and they were pretty good, at least when I heard Dada tell me to do a circle. A few times I did not hear her so rode straight, then tried to turn sharply when I realized I missed a command.
The big issue today was my left ankle. Dada says I have no strength in it, and she kept lowering the left stirrup to keep me from putting weight on the left side.
It seemed to me that I kept pushing down on the left just to reach the lowered stirrup. And more than once my foot came out of the stirrup.
Dada wants me to wear a brace on that ankle at least. I will, but I sort of wish I wasn't. My ankle will never strengthen if it has a brace.
But as Dada pointed out when I raised this concern: "This is competition, not therapy."
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Walking with T
The only good thing about not riding for several weeks is how great it feels to get back on a horse.
And, wow, did it feel great today.
It was only two weeks without a ride. T hurt her mouth so I could not ride a couple weeks ago and I was out of town last week.
I got these things called Toe Stoppers to help my ankles stay in the right shape. They worked great. They go on the stirrups and keep your feet from bending too much down. They seemed to help. My ankles did feel a little tired after the ride, but it felt like they were sore from being held in the right place.
They also made it easier to "walk" with T.
Her rhythm tended to flag a little when we started to do circles. I think she was looking askance at Claren and mom, but Dada usually pointed out something else. I know I was not really watching where I was going. Again. I still think Claren was a burr under T's saddle.
Anyway, to keep up her momentum, Dada told me to squeeze my heels in rhythm with her walk. Of course, this is easier said than done, especially for those of us with no walking rhythm. But T was forgiving and we got a little rhythm going, not Motown rhythm, mind you, but a little. My legs are still feeling that as I write this; I love that.
And I got to trot with T. It was our first time. Dada and Kate jog alongside to hold me and I jiggle all around. I have no illusions about doing it on my own – I can't see where I am going – but it is so fun. In the picture, I am getting ready to trot and am smiling widely.
I didn't need to use my legs early in the lesson. T was walking fast. Kate said she was a little surprised at how fast we were going. It felt real good, but I get into bad habits when I don't ride every week. I forgot to look ahead. I leaned forward a bit. So much to improve, but now that I am riding again, I can fix them!
Posted by
6:15 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Watch where you're going
It sure doesn't sound that hard, but I still don't remember to look where I am going.
And it kills me!
Especially when it works so well. I was just trying to turns on the center line and ride all the way down it. The first time I was about two meters to the right, or something just as bad. Dada pointed out I was not watching where I am going. Next time I did watch where I was going, and it was perfect.
Actually, Dada said I was looking at my hands. I wasn't really. I think I need a dressage test because it was just that my mind was wandering. It's not that I am that good that I get bored on T, just that I forget to look ahead.
But it works so well. It is so cool how the horse seems to read your mind, so if you are looking ahead and riding in your head, the horse does it. Amazing!
I still need to work on my ankles, though. ankles. The right one was fine; the left one not so much. It twisted as I was getting on T, and I kept getting twinges throughout the ride.
Dada is thinking a brace might be the answer. I am not totally on-board with that idea. It seems a brace will keep my ankle from getting stronger. I want it to get strong enough without a brace, but if that is a hopeless dream, a brace would work.
Posted by
3:31 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Looking ahead
A really great lesson, even if T did spit up on me and Dada gave me homework.
I remembered that with the dressage saddle I am able to use my legs more to hold myself up, and I did. Usually I only remember about half way through the lesson.
Both Kate And Dada said how straight I was riding, not just left to right but also front to back.
The only problem was that T was acting a little hesitant when we were turning. I was watching my hands not where we were going so T was getting mixed signals. I need to look where I am going. Once I started, everything was awesome. We rode around the small ring at a good clip and threw in some stops and turns that T handled great, too.
Afterward Mom gave T an apple and T wanted to share it with me, I guess. She came over and spit it up on to me and my chair.
And then I got the homework. Dada wants me to make a riding resume and start looking for scholarships.
Posted by
7:02 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Jumping for joy
I'm not wobbling left or right anymore. The issue now is leaning too far forward. That and putting painful pressure on my ankles.
But I had a great lesson.
We solved the orientation problem by putting up dressage letters. It is not the right size for a dressage ring, but Dada was able to say: Turn right at the A, and I could.
We also went over a jump. Of course, it was just lying on the ground so I could have ridden my wheelchair over it, but it was my first jump. Next up: the steeplechase.
My ankles are a new problem. They normally tilt down, but the way I was sitting, my heels were down. So my ankles were just so sore at the end of the ride. I was trying to make a turn and just twinge of pain shot up my ankle and messed up the turn. I am OK for most of the ride, just the end was bad.
More photos are here.
Posted by
8:11 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Finding a comfort spot
It was a good right today but hot.
And it took me far too long to get comfortable on InfiniTy. I think it is the dressage saddle and different handholds. I like the saddle because it is thin enough that I can use my legs to hold on, but I didn't remember that until half way through the lesson today.
I hope we stick to one saddle for a while, but I am not so sure. Dada asked how I would like to ride another horse that is coming to board at Spirit.
I don't mind as different horses hopefully will just make me a better rider. But I am not sure why I am switching. I thought InfiniTy was supposed to be the one. Maybe Dada sees something no one else does or maybe she just wants me to ride a new horse for fun and experience. The latter, I am sure.
The ride seemed shorter than last week's because I got tired in the heat, but we rode some good patterns, some ugly ones, too. It is harder for me to understand Dada's directions than usual. I am not getting more deaf (I hope), but without the dressage letters I think it is harder for me to orient myself. I imagine it is harder for her to give the directions, too.
We'll survive. The real problem with the new horse is it is a male Colby Dylan, so I will have another "Blades of Glory" situation.
Posted by
8:59 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Finally, I'm leaning left
"You are sitting too much on my side."
So I start, as usual, to shift my body left. But wait! That was Dada speaking, on my left, not Kate, on my right. I never sit too far on the left. What is going on?
This was the second biggest surprise of the lesson. The first continues to be how motivated InfiniTy is. Dada actually had me slow her down once today. I didn't even notice she was going too fast. It was awesome.
We tried out a new saddle today, well, an old one that was new to T. It was a dressage saddle, which must be a lot lighter than the Australian saddle I was using. It has very few extras on it. No saddle horn or high seat back, for instance. But I rode well in it, very straight, Kate and Dada said. And circles were almost easy because T never slowed.
We even did one good figure 8. I messed up the second one, though. I think it is because I am still watching my hands and not where I am going. I know that skill will come back in time.
One thing I need to work on is my hands. Dada said to use the horse's neck to balance. So I am not straight if you look at me from the side. I am leaning too much, I think, because my wrists hurt after today's lesson . Also, it is harder to steer if your reins are not real short if you don't move your hands off her neck. More than once, Dada said, turn your horse or she will jump the fence we were headed toward.
But it was a great lesson! I felt like riding forever. Of course, the downside to this is I almost fell of when we stopped to dismount because I was tired. Oh well.
Posted by
9:04 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, August 25, 2007
T has some energy.
I rode her today for the first time, on a really hot day when I would not have blamed her for being sluggish. Instead, I hardly ever had to encourage her to walk.
She was great, handling my initial wobbliness with no problem. The saddle was a little loose, but once Dada tightened, I felt steady. Everyone said I looked good, too.
Dada said it was a perfect first lesson. We just rode around a while, not trying any patterns, just getting used to each other.
I spent too much time early looking at my hands and not watching where I was going. The result: I ran into a few branches or had to duck out of the way at the last minute. I tried to watch where I was going more later.
I do better later also because we shorten the reins and I am able to control steering without moving my hands too much.
The lesson was made even better because Dada, Kate and Lynne (and Mom, Claren and Brendan) were there. Dada, Kate and Lynne have been my biggest supporters and teachers since I started. I know I am lucky to have them.
Posted by
10:53 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, August 18, 2007
To InfiniTy and beyond
My one problem with Louie was that I could never come up with anything that played off his name. As the headline suggests, this won't be a problem with the new horse, InfiniTy, or T.
I saw her today for the first time but did not ride her. Spirit was having a yard sale, and I was watching a table. Actually, I felt like a celebrity. I sat there and had my own gopher, the daughter of one of the instructors. And everyone was pointing me out or asking me if I was comfortable.
It was pretty cool.
As far as T goes, everyone raves about her. She is a 15-year-old registered Morgan mare. She looks a little shorter than Louie is. She is just a few years younger than Louie, but Dada says that means a lot in horses.
Dada also says that she is the best schooled horse she has sat on since she came to the USA. Awesome. Lynne rode her and said you just have to think left or trot or whatever and she does it. Awesomer!
And I met the woman who donated T. Wow, thanks, Courtney, for becoming a part of Spirit!
I can't wait for next Saturday -- my first lesson.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: dressage, morgans, para-equestrian
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Just a pause
I didn't ride last week or today. I sure miss it.
Dada, my teacher, and Golden Dreams, the program in Middleburg, had a falling out. I am not really sure what happened and I am sad about it. I liked riding at Golden Dreams more than I thought I would. It is beautiful and everyone there treated me with great kindness and respect. Plus, Claren and the dog of the stable became great friends. And I never felt out of place wearing breeches.
But I also love riding with Dada and with Kate, and they were returning to Spirit Field, which is nearer to me, and to the program we had started in Spirit Open Equestrian Program. With Dada and Kate I feel safe. I read a story about one of the USA's para-equestrian team riders. He said he had fallen countless times. I have never fallen. I am not sure if that disqualifies me from some cool equestrian club or if it is just a matter of time before I fall. With Dada and Kate, I also know that I will be challenged and forced to give my all. And it's not like anyone is mean to me at Spirit, and I can deal with feeling out of place with my breeches.
So I stayed with Dada. Unfortunately, Louie – the horse I ride – stayed at Golden Dreams. Louie came to Spirit through the connections and work of a woman who now leads Golden Dreams, and there is a disagreement over which program he was donated to. Last night, I heard that Louie's old owners have said they donated him to Spirit. Hopefully, that means he will soon be back at Spirit Field and I will be able to ride again.
If you are confused, that's all right, so am I, and it is my life. Please, though, I ask no one to try to explain what happened or point any fingers of blame on this blog. I just want to ride.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Straight and curved
Kate and Dada accused me of taking lessons somewhere else during the week because, they said, I was riding so well.
I did feel pretty good, especially at the beginning. I wasn't holding Louie's reins taut, and he was moving at a nice clip. That is the best riding, when he moves so well.
When we did shorten the reins up, he still walked (well, expect the time he pooped), but he was not as lively. But we made some good figures. And I stayed straight, no significant readjusting my body to the left.
One thing I tried to do in the circles and serpentines was push my inside foot into Louie to keep his body curved. It must have worked. Dada said his body curved in the serpentines for the first time she could remember.
Posted by
9:48 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Hamming it up on horseback
I know that I do better in competitions than in practice. That's nothing new. When I was in school, I liked tests.
I always figured it was adrenaline or whatever. Turns out, though, I may just be a ham.
I had a really good lesson today, and Dada decided it was because some friends came out to watch (Thanks, Wendy and Lisa and Janelle and Thomas and Jillian and Liam).
We didn't worry much about keeping Louie too collected -- Dada said she didn't want my head to explode like I wrote last week -- but I just tried to keep my reins straight but not taut.
It worked. Louie walked great. Maybe it was less the reins and he just had a big breakfast, but he was moving, which makes it easier because I don't concentrate so much on kicking him.
Instead, what I did with my legs was post. Well, my version anyway, which I use to reposition myself so I am not always leaning to the right. The hardest part is turning right but not leaning too much into it. Kate seemed quite impressed with my repositioning and posting.
I also became convinced today how much of a Dada's boy Louie is. We were walking, and Dada said just make an easy U-turn, not too sharp, and head back the opposite way. Well, she turned to walk the other way before I even moved the reins to start my turn. Louie pivoted basically on his own so he could follow Dada.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Cowboy Trott
I need to improve my stamina so I can ride longer.
We spend a lot of the lesson working up to getting Louie nice and collected. But when he, and I, finally gets ready, I only have energy for a few more minutes. I think my tired tell is I start leaning to the right too much.
And there is so much to practice when he is collected. Dada explained it today using a stretched-out spring analogy. You want to get it back into its resting shape. To do that, you need to hold one end of the spring and push the other end.
Louie is the spring. With Louie, I am holding the reins taut and pushing with my legs. Unlike the spring thing I also need to work my fingers on the reins, which means squeezing and releasing them. And I am supposed to squeeze and release my legs at the same time.
It is entirely possible my head may explode one of these days.
Not today, though, because after that collected stuff, I got to trot. It felt really good. I was doing a sitting trot and Kate and Dada were holding me. Except for the fact that I could not see straight, it went well. Kate said it was a perfect cowboy trot.
Posted by
8:03 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Hurts so good
A real good lesson today, I think, even though it is 11 p.m. and my foot muscles still hurt.
To keep my legs from pushing the stirrups and my feet toward the front of the horse, Dada tied the stirrups on to the saddle in the back. My feet, which tend to drop, were held straight.
It worked perfectly: I felt steadier and I could use my legs better to urge Louie on (now, I just have to remember to do it consistently instead of occasionally). It was also easier to use my legs to shift my weight to the left so I don't always hang off Louie's right.
The only downside was that my feet weren't used to being in that position and they started hurting as I rode. By the end of the lesson, my leg was having spasms when I tried to shift my weight.
But it was a good lesson. Take a look at the photo. Louie looks pretty good, right? I think he is collected even. And he walked like that for a while, even did a few circles like that.
Apparently I am no longer a beginner. Dada used to tell me to look at the center of the circle to ride it. Today, though, she told me to watch where I was going and that you only look at the center when you are starting out. Huh.
And I am glad when I am sore. I figure it means a muscle is being tested.
Dada is one smart cookie.
And the lesson was good even after we finished. Lisa brought me a breakfast sandwich and took Claren for a dip in her pool there at Baileywyck Farm. And Kate didn't even complain about having a damp dog in her car for the ride home.
Posted by
11:41 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, June 16, 2007
My freestyle ride
Here is a video of my ride on Sunday, the one where I came in fifth. At the end we are really dragging. I just saw the show results, though, and on Saturday I beat Athens Dude!
Posted by
10:06 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Pick up your reins
Uh-oh, Dada worked me today. Really. No resting on the old laurels for Matt.
Morven Park's fall show is in September, and Dada has decided I will win and there was some mention of the world championships.
We worked on three things today, my first lesson in Middleburg. It is great out there. All I have to do to win is: Hold my hands still and control Louie by wiggling my fingers, use my legs to "walk" with Louie and encourage his pace, and always, always, always keep contact with Louie by holding the reins taut. But not so taut that it in any way impedes Louie's progress. Just enough so that Louie holds his head down.
And I also have to watch where I am going and constantly shift my body to the left. that's it.
Any one of these things is a little overwhelming, trying to do all of them ... Yikes. Especially, the reins thing.
Apparently, Dada was going easy on me before, but now she is going to lay down the dressage law.
Dada thinks I can do them all by September because she said there were moments were I looked perfect. I didn't have the heart to tell her those moments were probably just luck as I was sliding from one wobbly position to the next.
Maybe, though, I will trust that Dada knows more about riding and maybe I can do this stuff. I guess we'll find out in September.
Posted by
6:33 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Monday, June 11, 2007
A few final words ... on the show
So close. My messed-up halt on Day 1, my easiest figure and a silly blunder apparaently cost me second place. It was that close.
Victory cake. My sister made me a yellow-ribbon cake. I loved it, even if it reminded me of Squidward from Spongebob. Thanks, em.
Photos. Most of the ones I have so far are real dark. But my sister was there Saturday and has tons. She has a top-notch camera and knows how to use it, so I will post them this weekend, I hope. Also, I have videos coming. Here are a few photos, including the cake.
Posted by
9:14 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Yesterday, I was thinking about making dressage more manly. Apparently, it is not by coming in fifth, which I did today. You get a pink ribbon. At least my 4-year-old niece liked it.
I was disappointed in my ride today, even though everyone said it was good. My mom said she thought it was better than the one on Saturday. But I was frustrated.
I was supposed to ride at 3:03, but after I was on Louie they told Dada I was not riding until 3:15. I don't know what happened. I rode third like I was scheduled. But everything got pushed back.
The upshot was I was sitting on Louie way too long. I was tired. Louie was probably bored if not tired. I don't think our heads were in the game.This was a freestyle ride, which is set to music. We finally rode in and waited at the midpoint for the music to start. And waited. And waited. It is hard to keep a horse still for so long, but we did pretty well.
Finally, it started but I was disappointed with my first figure 8. I kept trying to urge Louie on, but it was tough for both of us.
This judge was pretty sparse in her comments, too, just saying I needed energy.
Oh well. It was great fun, and several friends came out to watch. I can't wait to start practicing again to improve.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Third place, but I ain't yellow
I guaranteed a fifth-place finish, and I came in third!
Louie did most of the work, though, but I'll take the yellow ribbon. It is twice as long as any of my blue ribbons.
My first decision today was whether to make my dainty white gloved more manly.
I have some blisters on my hand, so I figured if I did not wear a band-aid, ooze and blood would leach out through my glove. It would be like in the movie "the Natural" when the catcher sees blood on Robert Redford's uniform before he hits the home run.
It would also be nasty, I thought, so I decided to go with a band-aid.
Then I had to decide on good luck charms. I went with a Bruce Springsteen ticket, a Batman action figure and my grandmother's medal from a local senior Olympics.
That might have been the toughest thing I did. I mean: You try narrowing down your choices when all of your toys are begging to go, swearing that they are the luckiest.
We got to the show and my fans started trickling in: two sisters, two nieces, two nephews and a brother-in-law, plus the women who drove Louie over and three folks Dada met in Middleburg. My parents drove me, so they were there, too.
Suddenly, though, my expectations for my finish got real low. Dada introduced me to a rider she met at the Paralympics in Athens. His name is Keith, but I will refer to him as Athens Dude.
Athens Dude had a U.S. Paralympic coach with him named Missy Ransehousen. I met her in Gladstone, and she acted like she remembered me. He also had a passle of fine-looking young ladies as his helpers. Just saying.
Then it was time to ride.
Mounting was a bit of a challenge as there was no ramped mounting block, and it had a hole in it, too.
But we made it and then I was in the arena riding.
My worst figure was the easiest one. I was just supposed to halt Louie at point A. But I pulled the reins too hard and he began to back up. We recovered, though. My figure 8s were better than I thought. The serpentines, too.
The biggest problem for the judge was that Louie and I lacked energy. I tried as hard as I could to kick Louie into a nice rhythm and energy, but it is hard to do. Louie needs to bend into curves more, and that is my fault, too. I need to lead him better.
But the judge liked my accuracy and equestrian skill. And she wrote that I had a "great mind!" and that I was "very precise." Louie got the best praise -- "lovely horse!" she wrote.
I don't know for sure, but I imagine Athens Dude won.
Tomorrow will be fun.
Thanks Dada and Kate for making all this possible.
Posted by
9:39 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
A new color
More later, but for you, my legions of adoring fans, here are my results. I came in third, a yellow ribbon. YEAH ME!
Posted by
5:48 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I guess I'm ready
It was a crazy lesson today that left me a little unsure I am ready for the weekend.
First, I told Kate to make the wrong stirrup lower so I was off-balance during my whole first ride.
Then I thought Dada said I could not do a figure eight for my 10-meter circles, so I did not do the figure eight, but tried to do something else. and so on. Plus, by the end of the lesson I was so tired I could hardly move move my legs.
Dada said she had been hoping for a lesson like this -- to get all the bad things out of the way before the competition. Hopefully, I did that.
I certainly won't be getting cocky.
This was my last lesson before the show. It was also my last lesson at Spirit Field. Spirit is moving to a better facility in Middleburg. I am not going to think about that until later. Now, though, I am riding my tests in my mind.
Posted by
10:05 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Monday, June 04, 2007
Ride times set
This is it; I guess I am just about ready for this weekend. I have one more lesson, but they posted the ride times yesterday for the VADA/Nova Summer Licensed Dressage Show. I ride at 3:46 Saturday and 2:58 Sunday. I think that is last Saturday and first Sunday. I suppose there is strategy in going early or late, but I'll just go and have fun so I win no matter what.
I did look: There are four other para-equestrian riders. I actually know one. We rode in Colorado and at Gladstone. Anyway, I guarantee at least a fifth-place finish.
Posted by
8:27 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Friday, June 01, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I didn't forget anything
I may just be ready for the contest, as long as I can remember which test is which.
I got confused and kind of did a mash-up of the two tests at first, but Dada corrected me. I got it right afterward, even throwing in the halt.
Louie kept doing weird things with his head and back legs because of flies, but I did stay on.
I even did the freestyle with such good rhythm that I finished early. Apparently, the ride has to be between 4 minutes and 4 minutes 30 seconds.
If I finish early, I can add stuff to stretch it out. But that requires hearing the music. Hopefully, the arena will be louder than the field.
I am ready for the show.
Posted by
7:40 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thinking straight and riding sort-of straight
Wow, Dada used "so great" more than once. I think I am getting it.
We lowered the left stirrup and I tried to push down on that all the time. I did sometimes, and that kept me from leaning too left.
I have two figure 8s in my champion test, and I did them pretty well. They looked circular even -- I was so proud. But when I got home, I read over the test and noticed I missed an element. There is a halt in there. Oops. Luckily, a halt is easy to remember and to add.
The freestyle test went pretty well, too. I have two figure 8s in that one, too. Once, I messed up the first circle by trying to turn Louie to sharp, but my other circles were round.
I like freestyle because you can cover up mistakes somewhat. You have to make an eight-meter figure 8 and a 10-meter one. It doesn't matter when or where. So if your eight-meter circles are too big, you can make them the 10-meter ones. Just change up on the fly.
I start with an eight-meter figure 8, but try to give Louie some freedom. If he is walking well and it is too big for the eight-meter, I just let him and make it the 10-meter.
I am just about ready for the competition, just have to remember the halt.
Posted by
5:33 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Fashion sense, oh, and a good ride
I knew I had made a total fashion faux pas when I got out of Kate's car at Golden Dreams and someone said to Dada: "You didn't tell me to wear my whites." What on earth was I thinking? It is way worse that white shoes after Labor Day, and in horse country, no less.
Well, here is what I was thinking: The white breeches have a fly and Velcro bottoms so I can get them off easily. I also figured I would dress up for Golden Dreams' opening. I wasn't going full competition fashion – I did not want to do the buttons on a tuxedo shirt. I wore a white T-shirt but brought my tux jacket. I was going to wear it and call it my "competition casual" line. As it was, they gave me a Golden Dreams golf shirt so I wore that instead. One guy, not a horseman obviously, did say I was the sharpest-dressed there. Now that I think about it, though, I was the only male rider, so maybe he was just throwing me a bone.
One more fashion note: I do like going to horse country. I never feel out-of-place wearing my breeches.
On to the ride:
My brother-in-law loaned me his weight-lifting belt so I used that for back support not the big vest. That felt good, just to be out of the vest on a nice warm day. And I did not wear any ankle braces, just half-chaps. I felt really good, though.
The only problem was I lean to the right, and well, I don't know if I actually got parallel to the ground but it was close. The worst time, I was in the midst of a right turn and Dada was yelling left side, but I didn't want to sit on my left mid-right turn, when you are supposed to sit a little right.
I think the answer might be uneven stirrups, like the left one lower than the right one. Maybe. We have a few weeks so I'll get it.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Sunday, May 13, 2007
On the road
I'll be riding this weekend on the Loudoun Farm Tour at 2 Saturday to help show off Golden Dreams Therapeutic Riding Program at Baileywyck Farm. I expect it to be a tour de force.
Posted by
8:16 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I just wanted to add a main photo of me and Louie instead of one with me and Bella. But Blogger wanted me to change the whole think. I am still working on it and I am not sure if it is good or bad.
Posted by
8:34 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
The 8M and 10M Circles of Hell
I read Dante's Divine Comedy in college, but I don't remember dressage being part of Hell. It must be, though, especially figure 8's.
Dada set out to make my circles round today in a long lesson. I don't know if we succeeded. It was pretty tough, rerwarding but tough.
We spent a lot of the lesson just doing 10-meter figure 8's. I often got one side pretty good but not the other.
The problem is I don't balance well. Shocker, I know. And I apparently don't trust Louie.
Dada says to give Louie freedom to make the circle and trust him to do it right. I try, really I do. But then his head doesn't seem turned into the circle or he tends to be short so I give the reins a light tug, which makes Louie turn sharply and ruin the circle.
Dada fixed one problem early on, or tried to. She kept telling me to look where I am going. If I learn nothing else from dressage but that, it will be a success, because I have never wAtched where I was going, even when I walked.
This wasn't really an issue but I was using a new saddle, an Australian one. It has a nice big horn for me to grab, but it does not have a little strap for me to hold with the reins. I missed that, and Dada tried to rig one up but it kept coming off. I am sure that will be better on Wednesday.
I just wish I could try again right now. It probably wouldn't be much better, but it might.
Posted by
7:18 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Just get back on the horse
So it finally happened. The ride today was just OK.
It wasn't a bad ride. I didn't fall or anything, just not as good as riding has been.
I was doing a freestyle test that required two figure 8's back to back. We cut it down to just one, though, and it went better.
I was also riding without ankle braces for the first time in ages. I am not supposed to use them in competitions, and I think it will be fine. But it felt a little odd. It was hard to use my legs to motivate Louie to walk.
I am going to start using the Australian saddle. Dada says the dressage saddle tilts me too much to the right.
Posted by
7:58 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Ride of independence
On the way home from my lesson today, mom said something like: I never would have thought you’d be riding alone after seeing that first lesson not quite two years ago.
Me either. But I am!
Today, no one touched me or Louie except to help me on and off and a little cooling-down lap when Dada guided Louie. It was great. Someone should have started humming the national anthem or something.
I performed both tests that I’ll ride next month, and Louie did so well. I still need a little work on the figure 8, but we are getting a pretty decent rhythm down. It was especially good on the first ride.
On the second one Louie decided to have a little snack during a free walk and lowered his head and stopped. I was able to get him going again and Dada said if he does that again to give him a little reminder with the reins that I am in charge. I need to remember the word little.” He started to snack again and I gave the reins a jerk that brought his head straight up. Sorry, Louie.
Dada also is working on my legs and feet. She emphasizes using my legs to get a rhythm going and keep it going. I often stop working my legs when we are going OK. Whoops. She said to use a pattern of left-right-left-right, I guess like walking. I need to get the rhythm of walking back.
When my feet are in stirrups, the front part of my foot pushes down. That is not how it is supposed to work, so Dada has started telling me to push my heels down. It is hard! But it feels better and I guess it is a good sign that Dada feels good enough about my riding to deal with the heel issue.
For my last ride I did a freestyle test. It includes a double figure 8 that is quite challenging.
But it is all so fun.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Yeah Yeah Yeah
I got an e-mail from Kate that my application has been mailed for the competition next month. Kate also took the video.
Posted by
9:03 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Energize me, Mr. Louie
I hadn't ridden during the week after work in a long time, and I was worried because I was exhausted when I left work. I needn't have worried. The weariness fell away as I got to Spirit Field.
From the start, it was a good lesson. I finally met Whitney, one of the people who helped me get out to Colorado for my first real competition. She is as wonderful as I had heard and had assumed.
This was also the first lesson I got my right leg over Louie without much help or struggling. Then away we went.
I did the serpentines pretty well and the other parts of the test were good. The figure 8 was a problem. I had been doing the circles too small before and I need more practice on the bigger circles. That's one of the reasons I am riding twice a week.
The other reason is that I feel something just clicked in me the past few weeks, and I am so eager to ride. I know the nurturing environment at Spirit is a big part. The strap that lets me holds on to something helps, too. Maybe the protective vest? I don't really know and I guess it doesn't matter why. I'll just enjoy it as it comes.
Posted by
9:19 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Getting better all the time
One of these days I will have a bad lesson, one when I think I rode poorly. But not today.
When I got there, I saw Dada and Kate had rearranged the fields so one was an official dressage ring size. The riding went really well. I need to do a little better on my serpentines and the first part of my figure eight, but I am feeling great about riding. It is such a joy to be outside feeling the ground move underneath me without any wheeled conveyance. And with good friends!
I rode one of the three tests I will be riding in June. One of the tests is freestyle, so that one is not made yet. I make it up (well Dada does). There are just certain maneuvers you must perform, and it is set to music. Yes, just like freestyle figure skating. And my partner will be another guy even, so it will be just like Blades of Glory.
I have to find the other test online tonight.
Louie was so easy to read today. I knew why he stopped or walked backward or whatever. And I didn't have as much of the balkiness I did last week.
My friend Donna also rode for the first time. She also uses a service dog and it was funny to compare Claren and her dog, Cagney. Cagney was all jittery when Donna rode and wouldn't let her out of his site. When I ride, Claren hunts for horse poop to eat.It was also a special day because I got to meet the latest addition to Spirit's stable, Angel. I like her long white sock.
Posted by
8:18 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I need to get rhythm
I practiced my dressage test today, and it went pretty well.
It is not very hard, but it has two figure 8's and two serpentine patterns between the side and the middle of the ring. By serpentine I mean the pattern shown in figure 3 here but it is not the full width of the ring, just half the width.
That actually was kind of tough because our ring is a little narrow to begin width so I was turning a little sharper than normal, I think, to try to get Louie to touch the sides in the right places.
I did do the figure 8 circles a little better, not perfect by any means. One time Louie just stopped mid-8. Dada is aware of everything that goes on in Spirit field, I think, so when Louie stopped walking and stared at a shrub, she said there is something in there moving. There was, but I never saw it. Louie did, though, and he did not want to turn his back on it. Dada said to give him a little reminder with the reins when this happens to make sure he knows I am in charge.
He also stopped to relieve himself mid-test. I had trouble getting into a good rhythm. Once Dada caught me using my hands to adjust myself and pointed out that that was why Louie had stopped. Dada said I should just repeat "rhythm" to keep us walking.
Kate and the others there thought I looked great. I think Kate may be right when she said all the dressage I rode in my mind when it was too snowy or muddy to ride might be paying off.
Oh, and it was so nice out!
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Best ever
Well, that's what Kate said of my ride today.
It was really awesome. I don't have any proof, though, because my dad – my official photographer – wasn't there. That did make it trickier than usual to get on Louie, too, but after that we had a good time.
I seem, just in the past few weeks, to be able to keep my back straight and sit up, not hunched forward. Louie responds so much better. I don't know why I am just now getting it.
I think a lot of credit goes to the strap that lets me hold something and sit straight. Even if it was a hassle to get on. We forgot till after I had mounted, so Kate and Dada were trying to loop it through parts of the saddle. Louie kept moving forward. Eventually, Dada said to me, he is moving because you are digging your heels into him. I thought I was just holding on to Louie with my legs. Whoops!
When we got the strap fixed on the saddle, the ride was great. Kate said I was straight and not wobbly. Louie is wonderful. He rides close to the rail and responds really easily. I tried to go through corners just using my body to turn him, not the reins. And it worked!
I used the reins on circles and I even made some circular shapes. I am not sure how I will do without Dada as the center of the circle, but I will get there.
We also figured out that I ride better when no one touches me or is even too near. Dada and Kate spent most of the lesson at a distance, so it was just me and Louie. It was great.
And we'll get a chance to show off June 9 and 10 at Morven Park at the VADA/Nova Summer Dressage show.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Cold schmold
Today was the best ride in ages. It was also the first time in a long time I have actually ridden two weeks in a row. It felt so good even though it had snowed this morning and was cold.
I was usually alone, with no helping hands, which always feels cool. It's a short video, but look at me! No wobbling, well not a lot, and I am sitting pretty straight.
Dada had a necklace thing for Louie to wear that I could hold onto if I needed. It was a little far from my hands, though, so she ran a strip of leather through holes in it and in the saddle, so I had a nice square loop to hold for extra security.
I needed it.
Dada says that I use my arms to balance in my wheelchair life, but I really need to use my back and butt. We worked hard on me sitting up straight. She even threatened me with a whip ... which she said she would weave in front of my arms and behind my back to force me to sit straight.
I tried. My balance is not good. Twice I really needed Louie's necklace to keep from falling. The necklace made me much more confident, though.
I think I was getting back in some rhythm for riding circles. A few of them were actually circular. I just hope I can improve. My big fear is that when I do something right, it is kind of luck and I may not be able to do it again despite all the practice in the world.
But it felt so good to ride sitting up straight. And even though it was cold, I looked darn good.
Plus, my friend Lynne donated some money to Spirit. We may use some of it to enter a dressage competition this summer in Leesburg. There was one in a few weeks, but we couldn't get all the paperwork in in time.
Posted by
9:51 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, March 31, 2007
What a ride
Wow, I missed riding.
Today was only the fourth time I have been on a horse since November, and I missed it. The day was close to perfect: sunny and dry.
Kate and Dada reconfigured the riding area to make it really long rectangle. I couldn't believe what a difference it made. It was so cool to ride Louie down the long straight-aways. I didn't go fast or anything, but he builds up a head of steam and I really felt great riding with him.
The vest is a little huge, but it really does a wonderful job keeping me sitting straight, don't you think?
I am riding with a dressage saddle, so I don't have a saddle horn or anything to hold on to except Louie's neck, which is pretty strong. I think, though, Dada is going to put some other bit of tack, real or improvised, on to give me something to grab.
Again, the only bad part was getting off Louie. I think I stop before I am really exhausted to keep from riding too long, but I wonder if I should push myself more.
Of course, it was my first ride in almost a month. I think stamina will come.
After I rode, my friend Caroline rode. She hadn't ridden in almost five years when she started riding a few months ago. I couldn't believe how good she looked on Louie. I may need to ride twice a week or she'll get better than me!
Posted by
8:37 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Monday, March 19, 2007
Movie stars
It was rainy and snowy last week so I couldn't ride, but I played around with iMovie and posted a Spirit slideshow on this page.
Posted by
8:01 PM
Labels: dressage, para-equestrian
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ridin' high
OK, maybe not what Bob Marley meant, but I had a great time.
It felt like forever since I had ridden, but I soon forgot that because it was so beautiful out today. Louie was wonderful so was everyone at Spirit Field.
I was a little worried when I got on Louie because my right hip stiffened up, but it felt good soon after.
Most of the lesson we just threaded through cones. Dada said it's a great way to get back into dressage and it was pretty muddy in the ring anyway.
I was trying to use my legs and weight to get Louie turning. Dada noticed, and both she and Kate said I looked really good.
I kept feeling like I might pitch forward, but I didn't, not even when we trotted. Louie has such an eager stride anyway, it seems easy to get him trotting. My head bounces around like crazy but it is so fun.
Posted by
11:14 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Spirit invasion
We had a board meeting of Spirit yesterday at my home. It was quite good, perhaps because one of Claren's best friends came over to play. The daughter of the Spirit president has a service dog, and he and Claren were kennel-mates. I so love watching them play.
Spirit is branching out to Middleburg! It sounds great, but I won't say much so I don't jinx it. Hopefully, I will be in Middleburg the weekend of Memorial Day to help show it off.
We'll stay in Great Falls, too, so I will keep riding there, assuming of course that the ground finally dries out.
There are unofficial rumblings that the para equestrian trials might not be in Morven Park in May, so we will wait to hear more about that. I hope they stay there, but even if they don't, the plan is to enter more local competitions even if they aren't designated as para-equestrian. Apparently, as long as the judges are OK judging me then it is OK to ride.
That will be cool. Now I just have to start riding.
Posted by
9:04 PM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Snowed out
I couldn't ride yesterday. It is warming up but is still pretty cold and the snow is covered with a layer of ice. My dog doesn't break it. I am sure Louis would, but that would add crazy dimensions to my riding. It is hard enough to stay balanced without worrying about my horse losing his footing. I am sure Louie would not like it either. Maybe next week.
Posted by
9:24 AM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Curves are tough
I got one lesson to get used to riding again; today Dada the dressage taskmaster was back (just kidding, Dada!). Actually, I was glad to get into it again. I like riding, but it is even more fun to try to guide the horse through the dressage moves.
We ride two tests that I will have to ride in the competition at Morven Park. I also have to ride a third test, a freestyle one, where there are certain compulsory moves.
The first test was the team test. It wasn't too hard, although I got confused by one of the serpentine moves. In serpentines, you make an "S" kind of shape with an extra curve, so three curves. The test called for a narrow one around the center line, but I did one between the side and the center line. I know what you are thinking, "Buy a clue, Matt."
The individual test was next. That was harder, especially the figure of eight with 8-meter circles. I do know what circles look like, but it is awful hard to ride them, especially 8-meter ones because you really need to feel your way. There are no letters at 8-meter intervals. One of the hardest things is that to make the circle look good the horse needs to curve his body. You do that by pushing with your leg, but my legs are a weak point in this killer body. My right leg is especially bad, which is odd cause I am right-handed, but I sit too much on the left I am told, and when I shift to the right, Dada likes it but I feel very unsteady. This is fixable,, I know. I am not discouraged or anything. We got some improvement by making the right stirrup lower than the left.This was my sister Emily's favorite picture. She yelled out to our mom when she saw it: "There's a picture of Matt on the horse and four women looking up at him." Of course, they are my teacher and helpers. I will know when I have truly arrived on the dressage scene by one thing: dressage groupies. Maybe they will throw their jodhpurs at me. Maybe not.
It was a fun day, still cold. Our friend Lynne, who was one of my first side-walkers, came by to see me ride. That was great.
Now I am off to study the tests to memorize them and ride them in my mind. It will be like "The Music Man." If you think dressage, you will ride dressage.
Posted by
10:02 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Spirit Triumphant
We did it! Spirit Field is real! And I rode!
Today was the day I have been waiting for. Judging by the crowd that watched my first lesson and the opening of Spirit Field, others have been looking forward to it as well.
We were at least 20 people joined together by a love of horses, riding and one amazing woman. I'd like to think they were all there to see my dramatic return to the ring but I know better: They were there to support Dada and marvel at what she has put together in just a few months.
I was worried early in the day that I might spoil it by committing an egregious equestrian fashion faux pas: I could not find my black practice riding pants and thought I'd have to wear my dress whites that are for competition only. In regular fashion it would be like wearing white shoes after Labor Day. I found the black pants but wish now I had worn the white ones and my tux because it was such an occasion.
There was food, drink, a cake that said "Spirit rules." The only thing missing was the warm weather. It was a little chilly. I didn't notice because I had on my helmet over a hood, and a monster protective vest over my body and half-chaps over my legs.
Then I got on Louie. I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to say that.
He was so great. He was easy to ride and easily motivated to walk. A little too easy, actually. I tried encouraging him by clicking my tongue a few times and he about started to trot.
He responds really well to the reins, too, so I have to go easy on him, and he does not mind walking close to the wall at all.
In short, he was a dream. Again, comfortable enough to say that about a guy.
Dada said at one point, "There is that smile." I don't think that smile disappeared the entire time I was riding. It was definitely there when we were trotting. I totally can't see a thing because my head bounces around so much but it is so fun.
And that wasn't all. After I rode, Caroline, who hadn't been on a horse in four years, gave Louie a workout.
It was a great day. Thank you to everyone who came out and those who couldn't make it but had us in their hearts and minds.
I'm riding again!
Posted by
4:41 PM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I have a riding lesson Feb. 3! It's like waiting for Christmas.
Posted by
8:52 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Louie louie
We had our first board meeting this morning. It was good. Everyone on the board and the volunteers seems so enthusiastic and full of ideas. well, everyone but me.
Afterward was even better. We went to Spirit so I could meet the new horse, the one I'll be riding SOON.
Louie was great, even if he did bite me. I was trying to feed him carrots but I have problems opening my hand completely and when I did the carrot would fall off. Louie got tired of waiting for me to get it right and started scrounging around. He decided the back of my glove look good enough to eat and so he tried.
I was in a part of the field the horses don't go but of course Claren found the one little pile of poop to eat. But back to Louie.
He didn't look too tall or big, but he is very wide. Kate said he is so comfortable to ride and is very mannerly. What I noticed mostly is how hairy he was. It wasn't ugly or messy, and as it was about 30 degrees out and windy, I certainly did not begrudge him his coat. In fact, I was jealous.
We are still on track to start riding in a few weeks.
Posted by
8:27 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
Get me on a horse, quick
My legs have been stiffening up on me lately. It is really annoying when your leg won't bend at the knee. I hope hope hope that the stiffness is the result of my forced retirement from riding and that it goes away when I start riding again.
Posted by
9:09 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
All sorts of news
I am still not riding and miss it, but things are happening. We are planning the first board meeting of Spirit, there is a new horse at Spirit, I joined the U.S. Equestrian Foundation, and I learned a little more about this competition we hope I can join. It is at Morven Park in May.
The new horse is an 18-year-old Morgan with dressage experience. Louie is the brown one; Spirit is the whiteish one.
I am getting pretty excited. February (when riding will probably start up) can't come soon enough.
Posted by
10:03 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I'm official!
I got a letter today from the U.S. Equestrian Foundation with my National Classification card. Apparently, I need to carry it with me to all events. How about that? It's just a little paperwork, but it is pretty cool.
Posted by
8:09 PM