Saturday, September 22, 2007

Looking ahead

A really great lesson, even if T did spit up on me and Dada gave me homework.

I remembered that with the dressage saddle I am able to use my legs more to hold myself up, and I did. Usually I only remember about half way through the lesson.

Both Kate And Dada said how straight I was riding, not just left to right but also front to back.

The only problem was that T was acting a little hesitant when we were turning. I was watching my hands not where we were going so T was getting mixed signals. I need to look where I am going. Once I started, everything was awesome. We rode around the small ring at a good clip and threw in some stops and turns that T handled great, too.

Afterward Mom gave T an apple and T wanted to share it with me, I guess. She came over and spit it up on to me and my chair.

And then I got the homework. Dada wants me to make a riding resume and start looking for scholarships.


Lynne said...

Heheh...that is funny about T slobbering the apple in your lap. I'm glad your lesson went well yesterday. It sounds like you and T are coming along well.

Can't wait to watch you ride again. Take care, and say hi to your Mom and Dad for me, oh and give Claren a hug too! Miss you Matty.

Matt said...

I am sure it was a love-slobber. We miss you, too!