Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pimping my ride

Dada reads my blog and tweaks the saddle and other tack based on what's there.

Today she put rubber bands on my stirrups to keep my feet in them when I do leg yielding. We didn't do yielding, but it was good to have the security anyway. because she also lowered the stirrups until I could barely reach them (or so it felt).

She said that she had been too easy on me in letting me ride with higher stirrups. That led to my hunching over. With the stirrups so low I did is straight and it felt good. I have to remember that, because I was sure Dada told me to hunch. The low stirrups felt good, though. Remember, Matt: low stirrups.

There were three horses out today, two with riders, but instead of trying to match patterns like a mirror, we followed the leader. T really likes walking after another horse.

We also trotted. It is fun, but I cannot see a thing because my head is bouncing around so much.

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