Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Insects -- we hate them

I hate mosquitoes; T hates flies.

This bonds us but makes for a rather rough ride.

She had a fly somewhere, and she didn't buck but kind of hunched up her back legs, a reasonable response to something biting your belly.

But it was hard to stay on and still ride a pattern. i missed two corners and one circle because T was out of rhythm and I was just hanging on

Despite the problems, Dada said I have a good awareness of space and distance, knowing how wide I should go even without obvious markers. I like hearing things like that because I try.

It is also good because I am practicing a test for a show in September and we dont always have time or space for a real ring.


Anonymous said...

Details on the show, please. Plus you look great in that photo, terrific posture!

Matt said...

It's the shirt. I'll find out about the show this week.