Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Almost reined out

T was again bothered a bit by flies, but I don't think that was the main problem. I was dealing with new reins that felt pretty awkward.

I have just been using one rein that is connected to both sides of T and that sits across her neck. But Dada had noticed correctly that I am unable to do a good free walk with that rein system. I can't loosen the reins enough to get a good stretch from T.

Yesterday, we went back to the two reins. The big problem, which I expect to be solved with a little leather strap next week, is that I had gotten used to resting my hands on T's neck and now I couldn't. I kept giving T more mixed signals than usual. She fought through them and mostly did what I wanted, but it was hard to get a good rthtytm going.

It was a real long lesson, too. I think I was inspired by watching some Olympics dressage. We rode for nearly 45 minutes. I liked it. I hope T did.

I sent off an application for the VADA/NOVA Autumn I show in September at Morven Park. I am seeking to ride just once, on Sunday Sept. 21.

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