Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am as good as another horse

Apparently, T likes her horse friends more than me. We'll have to do something about that.

We rode in the upper ring yesterday because there was a show going on at Frying Pan Park, a show in which a CCI puppy raiser was riding. No one I really know, but she came over when she spotted Claren and reminded me when we had met – at Clifford's turn-in luncheon.

T was riding slowly but rhythmically at first, although she was still bothered by flies. And I could even smell the fly spray so I don't know what the deal was. But when the two other horses in SPIRIT left the ring to take a little trail ride, T really started dragging. It didn't help that I was tiring by then, too, so my commands are less than perfect. All my figure eights were pretty lousy for one reason or another. We'll be OK at the show Sept. 21 (confirmed as long as I get my para-equestrian card in the mail before then).

One thing I need to get is something up on the saddle I can hold on to. I forgot I wanted it till I was riding. You can see in the photo that my hands were low because that is where there was something to grab, and I am extra wobbly because each hand is holding a separate thing for security. I know I shouldn't lean on my hands, but I do need something to keep me secure and something that will keep me from falling if I lose my balance. That is key; I am not sure Dada would ever let me ride independently again if I fell.

The last figure eight, T was pretty balky, but Dada said it was good because we worked through it. I stayed with my commands and she finally followed.


Lynne said...

Hi Matt!! You look great up there on T. I am interested in the details about the show you talked about on the 21st. I don't think I will be up there, but I am coming up and will be there the first weekend in October and will stay for at least a week. I will do my very best this time to come watch you ride or at least we can get together and chat. I really miss you and Claren.

You wouldn't believe how hot it is down here in the "low country" of Georgia. I'm working outside every day at a garden center, and I know all about the bugs, flies, etc. I especially know about heat, humidity and just plain sweaty. I'll make it though. I can't wait to come up to VA and feel a little fall in the air.

You keep on riding and being your cool self. Give Claren a big hug for me, and say hi to your folks too. Thanks for keeping me updated with your blogs. I look forward to reading them each week. I haven't been riding since last October!! Can you believe that. Something about that just isn't right. Oh well.

Take care, and I'll be in touch with my travel plans soon. Miss you kiddo!

Matt said...

Thanks, Lynne.
I don't have any details yet, but it should be good.

I can't believe it has been so long since you have ridden, It is probably real easy, though.

It is a little fall-like in the evenings; can't wait to see you.