Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cowboying up

We were a crowd today.

Six volunteers, two students, Dada, Mom and a photographer from a local newspaper. Yikes.

I actually tried to cancel early in the day, but Dada said the photographer was coming so I cowboyed up and rode.

It was a good ride, but I am definitely not cut out for a dressage team.

Another rider and I were supposed to be riding in mirror images of each other down the center line. Dada would call out "small circle" and we were supposed to make 10-meter circles and meet up at the center line again. So I would be focused on the circle and then Dada would say, watch the other person. Invariably she would be making a different size circle and we would not match. I am not even sure who was making good circles. I thought mine were good, but I don't know.

I take my cues for size from the letters on the dressage ring, and we haven't had them lately. That's cool, because I need to learn to ride more by feel than by the letters, but I do miss them.

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