Saturday, September 08, 2007

Finding a comfort spot

It was a good right today but hot.

And it took me far too long to get comfortable on InfiniTy. I think it is the dressage saddle and different handholds. I like the saddle because it is thin enough that I can use my legs to hold on, but I didn't remember that until half way through the lesson today.

I hope we stick to one saddle for a while, but I am not so sure. Dada asked how I would like to ride another horse that is coming to board at Spirit.

I don't mind as different horses hopefully will just make me a better rider. But I am not sure why I am switching. I thought InfiniTy was supposed to be the one. Maybe Dada sees something no one else does or maybe she just wants me to ride a new horse for fun and experience. The latter, I am sure.

The ride seemed shorter than last week's because I got tired in the heat, but we rode some good patterns, some ugly ones, too. It is harder for me to understand Dada's directions than usual. I am not getting more deaf (I hope), but without the dressage letters I think it is harder for me to orient myself. I imagine it is harder for her to give the directions, too.

We'll survive. The real problem with the new horse is it is a male Colby Dylan, so I will have another "Blades of Glory" situation.


Dada said...

Hi, Matt! Do not be upset, please, as Colby Dylan is just possiblity, and fact is that you and T are doing so well that it is hard to imagine anything better...but newer know :)
And , it is true , that winter season usualy can be used to improve confidence, make all adjustments we need for next season...and I will put letters next, Dada

Matt said...

Thanks, Dada. I am not upset at all. I just get a little frustrated with myself that I am not back to the level I was before the break. I know it takes time; I just get impatient with myself.

Sorry. The letters will be a great idea. See you next week!